Tuesday, April 19, 2005

meet the parents

if you're just joining us it's 4:19 in the a.m. and i'm wide awake. chalk this one up to tomorrow being the least busy tuesday on record, consisting of my new found unemployment and only one hour long class. luckily i'll get my schooling through chinese history lessons seeing as mom and dad are in town.

in just their few hours in austin so far, i've further realized i am my father's son. which other gene pool of xy chromosones would find out their aunt/great aunt had died of alzheimer's that day and make forgetful memory jokes that night to play it off? i didn't actually know the woman well but i imagine how marshall/marc should be feeling.

now on the brink of 4:30 and the subsequent morning i think i'll try some reading which will hopefully turn into "reading" which for those of you outside of the whitis house means sleeping. today i'll tell mom and dad something new.

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