Wednesday, March 08, 2006

it's friggin' spring

i will stop short of photographing the first buds, for it has been done. instead i shall write a haiku with the help of my magnetic poetry calendar i got for february christmas.

hot the blooming sky
season flower spring winter while
shiver beach always

but really, i think these new leaves are literally, literally pushing out the old ones so that we're getting this fallback/springforward brown/green pollack of a week that smells a little like compost. before we know it beaches will be made of snow and hats will wear people! or college students will get jobs. yes, the recruiters have come a courtin and i am constantly forced to question what i'm doing in the next year. and then i force the question on others and we then all grow another gray hair. not that i have a gray hair, but i might. i have a lot of hair and that's gonna go. can't have a proper spring break send off without cutting it all off. can't have a proper spring break if you don't actually do anything. so quit talking about it and just shove off into the grand sea of west texas. it'll be grand, she said, and i tend to like what she says.

the seven syllable second line has always been restructive.

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