Friday, March 31, 2006

everybody loves architecture

or at least i hope they do. and i hope they love me. twenty interviews down and i did my best to woo them all, but there comes a point where you try to be everything to everybody and you barely get anywhere in the first place. i was compromising before i even got a second interview.

sitting there learning about the wonders of health care design and trying to remember what a 401k actually is gave me a good bit of time to think. i was in a different world where i'm jet setting around, meeting interesting people, unveiling sky scraper renderings, wearing expensive blazers, and reordering business cards. then i was a master welder, sweating away in some rural enclave working to finish up enough before night fall and hoping my fellow craftsmen had caught enough salmon for the night's supper. in yet another world, i'm entrenched in the lamp lit hollows of a late night studio, mulling away at the world's greatest detail. i'd be at the forefront of architecture, i'd be changing the world. designer. builder. doer. jack.

what does it take to do in that which you're not sure in what you want. huh.

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