Saturday, January 22, 2005

settle down

i guess i have this thing about comfortableness. no not hugli, but just being well adjusted to my surroundings. like when you get your cat, put it in a box, and take it to your third grade show and tell. that happened to my cat and i kinda feel that way anytime i move somewhere new, undertake the unundertaken.

school has started and a job interview has taken place and the new house is becoming a home, but I guess I'm on the path to adulthood where home home is no longer my house and it's gonna be a grand few years before I find some semi-perminance. compound that with the comparison to everyone from conroe graduating and getting married and you've got marc- wa/ondering college kid.

so wa/onderwith me. we'll see what this sping 2005 semester gives me and more importantly what i take.

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