Thursday, April 06, 2006

a tale of five cities

dallas, as many of you know has always been the other city. houston is the city, and thus dallas is the other one. that's what it's like growing up in the greater h-town metropolitan. there are the astros, rockets, and oilers and any other claims at representing texan identity might as well be coming from gay yankees. that said, there are a lot of career week firms in DFW and handful who have emailed me lately. apparently they don't know where i'm from, but apparently the mavericks are actually a good team now. you might find me in dallas next year if mark cuban himself shows up at my front door grinning with a five million dollar giant check like signing bonus.

seattle apparently has a good football team now, but who the hell cares. the firms are good and the opportunity is everywhere. people care about building, and when those people are named bill gates and mr. boeing, they care about big buildings. which i have started to find myself caring about too. through the strangest phone call ever in the midst of career week, a job has appeared which makes the fantasy as possibilty. do i want to live in a flannel covered fantasy, or do i want to live in..

austin. wait, i live here now and i kinda like it. take seattle and add texan reserve and badassness and here you have my most times home for the past five years. in a cryptic email at the tail end of career week, a chance of a lifetime has arisen in which i apprentice under a local architect and we double handedly start our own firm with a loft project downtown. there's facades to be developed and money to be determined, but in the meanwhile we should figure out a firm name. this is exciting, folks (and somewhat dangerous).

san antonio is not just a city. it's an idea. an idealized dream that at times doesn't match up with the city itself. it's a texas-great job-good money combo that's everything i want and my father demands. i made a good friend of the office and would be a fool to pass on it being a friend with benefits. i'll be back, i say, but when? anthony asks.

terlingua. want to go back to the desert and build a theater for our local troupe of actors, all the while undertaking a daily spirit journey with a side of hallucinogens? possibly. do you know how to build a theater? no. i'm only 22.

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