mamma mia!
at 2am in london we went searching for a bus and found one that had a fight going on it for about ten minutes. we finally crowded on with our luggage and drove for about 30minutes til we got to the big bus station that would get us to the airport. We couldn't find one so a girl sophie we metfrom australia had us running through the streets of londonat 3am looking for anything that would get us there knowingit was at least an hour and a half to the airport. luckily we came across the back of a "closed" bus station tofind just the bus we needed. at this point we're wearing asmany clothes as possible to take away from the weightrestriction and are therefore very sweaty {and tired}. finally we get to the airport around 5, sit in line, findout we're all over {i only had to pay for 3 kilos though},and then run across the airport to the furthest terminal tocatch our 625 flight.
it would have been nice to stay awake across europe but it was even nicer to sleep so i did. as soon as we hit rome we were on the run again trying to get from one airport to the other. luckily we had no problems, the main group got there a few hours later, i learned how to count 1 through 10 and before we knew it our full bus had come to castiglion fiorentino {the g is silent}.
it's breathtaking here. my bed faces as eastern window from which the sun blazes through every morning over the hills. our campus is in the city walls and the streets are barely12 feet wide. it's hard to describe exactly how picturesque so i'll try more later. this keyboard is almost american and in effect very confusing.
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